
Monday, August 15, 2011

Dear Creator...

I have lost track again.
The world has sucked me in, I caved to the pressures of others who don't know you.
Take away my complacency. 
Take away my greed, my need for comfort and false securities.
You've asked me to be the salt and light, but my salt is weak and my light is dim, it barely flickers.
My actions mirror those around me.
Harsh judgement and cruel words fly from my  lips.
I want to love my enemies with the love that can only come from you.
I want to stop trying to figure you out and just accept you as the One who made me, and the One who knows best.
Forgive my arrogance, my self-centeredness, my audacity in thinking that I know best, that I can tell you how to be God.
Your ways are inexplicable. 
I want to believe your truths, all of them, even the ones that make me uncomfortable. The ones that others just can't believe you would do because you're a loving God, and love doesn't ever equal pain.
Rescue me from myself.
I want to be your beacon in this lost world.
I want to give up my comforts to help those in need.
Mold me, make me more like you.
Set me on fire.
Set me apart.