
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Thankful Thursdays on Friday, April 16, 2010

Today is a really special day. I am thankful for my daughter Samantha Paige. She was born 13 years ago today at St. Mary's Hospital right here in Richmond, VA. She was 2 weeks early, and weighed 8 pounds!

I remember when I first saw her, she had no eyelashes, and was a beautiful, bald, little butterball. Early on, she was quite colicky. I later realized that was just part of her feisty personality. She was always very determined in everything she did, somewhat of a perfectionist. She's a momma's girl, she always wanted to be held and cuddled, and even today she still likes to be close to me.

I just can't believe my baby girl is 13. Where does the time go? For many years in our children's lives, we can't wait for them to get older and on to the next stage. But when they become teenagers, we start counting the years we have left with them.

How much time do I have to teach her everything she needs to know to go out into the world and a become productive adult?

That would be only 6 years.

And I sit back and marvel at the wonderful young women she is becoming. Samantha is a born leader, other kids look up to her and want to be around her. She has awesome friendships, she is a great relater, her friends cherish Samantha for her loyalty to them. Samantha also loves a sense of accomplishment, she achieves anything she puts her mind to. She's also an awesome artist and clarinetist. She dreams of being a Fashion Designer or Emergency Rescue Vet when she gets older. And I have no doubt that she will!

I am so blessed and so thankful for my
Samantha Paige

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Thankful Thursdays

I think Thursdays are great days to give thanks, not that everyday isn't a great day to give thanks, but Thankful and Thursday just sound good together. I think back a few decades to the "positive thinking" stuff that was so popular then, remember Norman Vincent Peale, Zig Ziglar, Maya Angelou?? Ok, so maybe they're not all "positive thinkers", but they were popular back in the 90's, like when Oprah did a show on "Being Grateful". Thankful Thursdays are the same concept.

Everyday, there are things that are good in my life. What if we all lived our lives being thankful for those things? Focused on the positive? Looked at the glass half full?

So Thursdays are the day that I will give thanks for the many blessings that I have been given.....

Last week I posted something about my daughter, Jessi (go to "At Any Cost" to read this post). I am so thankful for my children, they are such a blessing to me. I can't believe that God trusts me this much.... to give me four beautiful children.
Yeah, they're a little crazy, like me ;)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Personal 911

There's urgency in the numbers

Hope for a desperate world

Insurgency in the slumber

How did we become unfurled?

God wipes away the pain

We died to sin, the time it steals

but it never works

to hurt is easier than to heal.

The clock stops on the wall

the things we keep so near

more than a wake up call

the deeper wounds stop here.

Blinded by the chaos
Hand on the gun
Can't get past the pain
My personal 911

Dedicated to a Friend :)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The “Is that contestant on American Idol a Christian? Scorecard”

Today, I am participating in the massive guest blog post on Jon Acuff's blog "Stuff Christians Like".

The “Is that contestant on American Idol a Christian? Scorecard”:

20. They drink a 40 ounce of Olde E. malt liquor during one of their interviews. = - 3 points

To add up your score with over a 130 other ideas on this scorecard, visit