
Monday, February 22, 2010

Over the last month, God has really shown me a lot about myself. I have always felt that I am on a journey, and over the past several years, I have realized that this journey is not about getting to a destination, but that life IS a journey. And God is most concerned about what we do on our journey.

Let me clarify.. God is most concerned about what we do... life is just not about me, and about me having the most fun, secure, comfortable time on my journey.. it's not about creating the most fun, secure, and comfortable environment for my kids either. God is most concerned about my character.

Character: the aggregate of feature and traits that form the individual nature of some person or thing.

God is most concerned about my character.

My journey is about developing my character.


my character is developed through the trials and challenges that I experience along my journey. You see, God gave each of us passions and gifts.

Our passions are what drives us, and our gifts are what equip us.

They equip us to do the work God has planned for us along our journey. Each step we take, he is refining us to do greater things for him. And the coolest part of it is that God gave each of us a unique set of gifts!!

What are you passionate about? What brings tears to your eyes? What brings joy to your heart?

Look there , that's where you'll find your gifts.

Oh, so what has God really shown me about myself lately, and why is God so concerned about what we do? Well, stay tuned, that will be another post.

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